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New Paradise Architecture
“In an era in which architecture has transformed urban spaces into tangible symbols of a season of change and the protagonism of the city itself, cinema can help us recover the innocent gaze of a child, restoring its amazement. [...] Being at the same time a vehicle of perception, memory and desire and by virtue of the hypnotic nature of cinema, the images that represent it in the darkness of a room can have the ability to eliminate the conditioning, stereotypes and clichés of seeing ordinary".
These are the words of Prof. Piergiacomo Bucciarelli, professor of History of Architecture III in Pescara, in his essay "Built illusions: cities and film fiction" published in the online magazine ArchigraficA. Architecture is, for cinema, not just a backdrop. scenic, but also a means to arouse emotions and document pieces of the city.
Wim Wenders reminds us that “Cinema is an urban culture, born at the end of the last century and growing in parallel with the expansion of the metropolis. […] To a greater extent than the other arts, films are historical documents of our time ”.
The choice of certain architectures as a location stems from the idea that it is functional to the story told on the screen.
To complement the lectures, Prof. P. Bucciarelli, in his course, organizes a cycle of projections on the trends in progress between the 19th and 20th centuries of protagonists and architectural works, giving students the opportunity to get to know the world of cinema. , music, painting.
All materials can be consulted by students in the video laboratory of the Department of Architecture, a media library for which the professor is responsible.
It is already a shared desire that these activities can also extend beyond the academic calendar, so that all students, and not only, can have the opportunity to enjoy, know, open up to other views on architecture.
“The secret of the success of Nuovo Cinema Paradiso is due to the fact that generations of people all over the world consider the cinema a place of education”.
Giuseppe Tornatore
W00 ° T'SC "

New Paradise Architecture
"In an era in which architecture has transformed the urban spaces in tangible symbols of a season of change and leading role of the city itself, the cinema can help us recover the innocent eyes of a child, giving us back the amazement. [.. .] Putting together perception, memory and desire, and by virtue of the hypnotic nature of the film, the images that are presented in a dark room might have the ability to reset the constraints, stereotypes and clichés of seeing ordinary ". words of prof. Piergiacomo Buciarelli, Professor of History of Architecture III in Pescara, in his essay "Built Illusions: city and cinematographic fiction", published in the online magazine Archigraphics. The architecture is, for the cinema, not just a scenic background, but also a means to arouse emotions and to document pieces of the city. Wim Wenders reminds us that "The cinema is an urban culture, born at the end of the last century and developed in parallel with the expansion of the metropolis. [...] In a greater extent than the other arts, movies are historical documents of our times. "The choice of particular architectures as location is based on the idea that it should be related to the story on the screen. In addition to the lectures, Prof. P. Bucciarelli, in its course, is organizing a series of projections on trends between 800 and 900 of the protagonists and architectural works, giving students the opportunity to get to know the world of cinema, of music and of painting. All the materials are accessible to students in the video laboratory of the Department of Architecture, the mediatheque where the professor is in charge. so extend outside the academic calendar, so that all the students and not only, can have the opportunity to enjoy, learn, look with different eyes at architecture. "The secret of Nuovo Cinema Paradiso's success is due to the fact that generations of people around the world find the movie theater a place of education. " Giuseppe Tornatore
W00 ° T'SC "

Computational analysis
A programmer knows that behind a software there is a regulatory language and an engineer knows that behind a structural model there are mathematical formulas. Equally well known is the difficulty of representing reality scientifically and for this reason we rely on mathematical models, considered approximations of reality, taking care that the two things coincide as much as possible.
In the Computational Analysis course held by Prof. Guido Camata, the mechanisms and operations that allow the specific software to formulate structural models, even complex ones, of buildings are examined.
The theoretical path studies all the mathematical-mechanical operations of the elements representing the structures, assimilating the fundamentals of matter by solving a system with the same methodology that is applied by the calculation program. Once the bases have been established, it is therefore easy to evaluate and interpret the information coming out of the computer.
In the practical-applicative part, the theoretical concepts are transferred to a finite element program in order to generate a calculation model of a structure, analyzing both the stresses and the deformations that are generated in it.
The approach to complex constructions, great architectural or engineering works, stimulates the student to push himself outside the usual didactic schemes.
The InGeo department of the “G. d'Annunzio ”in Pescara, is one of the few to present this subject as a combination of theory and practice, in which students follow a progressive process, crossing the purely mathematical aspects with the applicative ones thanks to specific finite element software. The final goal is to acquire mastery in the management of the models described and develop an excellent ability to interpret the stress and deformation results.
This training tool is of fundamental importance for an engineer in view of the increasingly difficult challenges that he will face in the world of work.
W00 ° T'MGPC "

The computational analysis
A programmer knows that there is a controller language behind every software and an engineer knows that behind a structural model there are always mathematical formulas. Equally known is the difficulty of scientifically representing reality and this is why we rely on mathematical models, which are considered approximations of reality, taking care that these two things match as much as possible. , the mechanisms and operations that allow the appropriate software to formulate structural models, even complex of buildings, are examined. system with the same method that is applied by the computer program. Therefore, it is easy to estimate and to interpret the information output from the computer. Approaching to complex construction projects, to great works of architecture or engineering, stimulates the student to go out of the usual educational patterns. this field as a blend between theory and practice, in which students follow a gradual process crossing the purely mathematical aspects with those applications with specific finite element software. The ultimate aim is to gain mastery in handling the models described and develop excellent skills in interpretation of the tensional and deformational results.
W00 ° T'MGPC "