WOO is a social promotion association established in 2018.
The WOO Association is non-political, non-denominational and non-profit. The Association aims to promote the participation of its members in the life of the community to promote, develop and pursue cultural purposes related to architecture, the artistic and literary field, publishing and culture in general through the drafting and publication of a print and online magazine dedicated to architecture, art and contemporary culture.
For the realization of its purposes and with the intention of working for the realization of interests of collective value, the Association aims to:
- Publish newspapers, magazines, bollettini, books, folletos, records of convegni, of seminars, studies and investigations, teaching material;
- Promote the dissemination of architectural and artistic culture also through active and collective participation in events such as national and international fairs;
- Disseminate through conventions, conferences, exhibitions, workshops, competitions, awards, seminars, festivals, events, performances, reviews and shows in general, etc. the issues addressed and translated by the activities carried out also through the network;
- Enhance every resource that can be an opportunity for projects, innovation, cultural and editorial qualification;
- Carry out consultancy and collaboration activities with institutions, libraries, associations, individuals and other subjects who intend to develop initiatives in support of cultural promotion;
- Propose itself as a specific point of reference and / or as a service structure for companies, businesses, universities and in general for public and private entities in relation to its institutional mission;
- Encourage the development of knowledge and culture and the exchange of mutual experiences and ideas through the carrying out of editorial and cultural activities in Italy and abroad and the promotion of initiatives aimed at deepening the statutory purposes;
- Organize cultural initiatives of a local nature with the aim of exporting them also at national and international level;
- Svolgere courses, demonstrations, convegni, debates, mostre, seminars and investigations of each type, for the raggiungimento and the diffusion of the propri aims and of the own investigations and / or studies; organize multimedia events, enter into agreements with public and private bodies for the management of courses and seminars and / or for the provision of services, within the scope of its institutional purposes.
The number of members is unlimited. So join us!
WOO aps
Viale Pindaro 42, 65129 Pescara
CF 91145150685
To make a donation to the Association:
IBAN IT64X0335967684510700294437