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citizenship rights

1.agg. and sm [lat. directus, part. pass. to direct "to direct"].


2. sf [der. of citizen adj. and noun].


Law 1. Which proceeds according to a straight line 2. In a broad sense, what is right, or is felt or should be felt as right, based on that set of moral principles that regulate relations between men united in society 3. Complex ordered of rules varying from time to time and from people to people.

Citizenship 1. a. Affiliation of an individual to a state b. In common usage, an individual belongs to a city, the right to consider himself a citizen of a city other than the one in which he was born.



beauty sf [der. beautiful]

1. Being beautiful, quality of what is beautiful or what appears to be so to the senses and to the spirit : b. it is a kind of visible harmony that gently penetrates human hearts (Foscolo) b. Of things: contemplate the b. of a landscape; admire the b. of a work of art; feel the b. of a verse; b. of colors, sounds, etc. And in a moral sense: the b. of a gesture, of a feeling; the b. of modesty, of forgiveness. 2. concr. to. Nice, pleasant person or thing

3. Locuz. special: a. For b., For ornamentation, for embellishment.



dimensióne sf [from Lat. dimensio -onis "measure",
der. of dimetiri «to measure», part. pass. dimensus]

1. a. Each of the measures that determine the extent of a body (length, width, height or depth): the d. of a field, of a palace; a box of notable d .; three, two, one-d bodies, respectively the spaces, the surfaces, the lines.
2. By extension, size, expansion , development and sim.
3. In the sense of fig., Aspect, character with which something presents itself, especially as this aspect or character can be object of quantitative or even qualitative evaluation, or assume particular importance and importance.



identity sf [from Lat. late identĭtas -atis, der. of idem «same», cast of Gr. ταὐτότης].

1. Being identical , perfect equality 2. Being all one , of a person or thing that at first appeared with different names or aspects that led us to believe that we are dealing with distinct persons or things: recognize, discover the the. of two animal species, of two celestial bodies.

3. a. In person, to be precisely that and not another: to establish , to prove the i. of someone, who he really is.


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