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What are the priorities that has been set for the management of the degree course (Engineering, Geology). And what changes, on a structural and didactic level, do you imagine for the next ten years?

The priorities that I have set myself are those of didactic and scientific seriousness, of teaching quality, in our case already of a high level with teachers constantly present and available on site.

In the Italian university system, from 2000 to date, there have been radical changes in degree courses with the overlapping of several teaching systems at the same time without the possibility of evaluating both the positive and negative effects they produce. It is therefore difficult to imagine, at present, how it could change ten years from now. Analyzing the critical issues of our Italian school, where the concept of culture has substantially disappeared, where the use of the book has become an optional, where everything is brought back to corporate management criteria, where the university is evaluated not from the point of qualitative point of view, but on the basis of the number of enrollments, of graduates: without an approach that detaches itself from all this, I do not think there can be any prospects for improvement.

How must university education be reformed to better respond to market needs? In order for a recent graduate to enter the world of work more easily, is it necessary, in your opinion, to make changes to his degree course?

We must refer to what are currently the tasks to which the geologist is called who is assuming an irreplaceable role in the prevention of geomorphological, volcanic, seismic, hydrogeological risks and in the search for renewable and non-renewable energy resources. We are therefore reshaping the master's degree course in order to train a graduate with the necessary foundations to deal competently with the demands of the world of work.

In terms of employment, what future scenario do you imagine for the profession (architect, engineer, geologist)? How effectively, the current economic and social crisis is changing the rules of the game, and which are the pieces of this profession that are most affected by the crisis ?

The crisis is mostly linked to a lack of economic resources in public administrations. The current context of continuous emergencies linked to natural events, such as climatic and seismic events and the increasingly pressing need to find energy resources that involves the entire planet will, I hope, bring out the professional figure of the geologist in an increasingly preponderant way.

A welcome message to students who intend to enroll in the Engineering and Geology Degree Course and a message to greet students who leave the University to enter the world of work.

Our main laboratory is the soil; if there is the predisposition to know how to read with passion this great book which is the landscape, the geology degree course with its teachers will offer all the availability and seriousness possible. For outgoing students, in addition to best wishes, I say that we are there even after graduation, to help them deal with the initial problems when diving into the world of work.

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