Vico Magistretti, one of the most important masters of our century, was constantly looking for the perfect synthesis. A careful reading of his training and his professional excursus was exhibited, last April 6, in the "Essenziale Magistretti" exhibition dedicated to the Milanese designer and architect. The exhibition, curated by the architect Andrea Cassone - CSA Classica and made possible by the collaboration of the Vico Magistretti Museum Foundation, provides extensive documentation on the activities of the architect and designer. Accompanying this documentation there is also the story of the relationship - which the master continually sought - between the built and the natural environment.
Not only the design, but the vast corpus of architectural works created by Vico Magistretti, between the sixties and seventies, are represented through the exhibition of the project of the Municipality of Cusano Milanino. In fact, the exhibition traces the history of the City Hall project, highlighting its most innovative aspects fifty years after its realization.
The clarity of the concept for a designer is of fundamental importance
since it possesses as a tool information that is independent - in a certain sense - of the quality of the drawing.
Magistretti never talks about style, on the contrary, he defines it as a 'dirty word'. For this reason he underlines the difficult but extraordinary moment of postwar Milan until the eighties, embodied by the spirit of brilliance and research, which marked his way of designing. Classical culture, information, the sense of transmitting a message are the means to achieve simplicity, a simplicity that comes from taking away and is immediately perceptible. If someone looking at one of his projects - architecture or design - exclaimed ' I could do it too! ' would probably be the best compliment for him.
Curated by Andrea Cassone - CSA Classica
Location: Municipality of Cusano Milanino - Piazza Martiri di Tienanmen, 1
Dates: 06.04 - 06.05.2019

© photo Vico Magistretti studio museum foundation