I take the backpack, the map and put on the headphones, I try to orient myself but it is of little use, even if sure of the destination there were many and many ways in which to get lost.
It is the first time that I was at the Biennale, I was fascinated and disoriented in front of the amount of information that presented itself to me every day, but all of a sudden I let myself go to this flow of people, sounds and much more and I dedicate to go to the heart of the city in search of "collateral events".
Although I had previously seen the map, it is Venice that chooses my path, before letting me find my destination, it ensures that I can get lost in a tunnel that leads to nothing, only water, it does so because the city imposes its time through its spaces, its narrow voids.
But I still manage to find the way, because as is well known every labyrinth is such only if it has an exit.
Then I go in, I meet people all taken to tidying up, it was the first days of opening and many performances were still under construction.
The events gave a sense of stationing to my frenetic journey in the lagoon, a moment of reflection, they represented my "free space".
In the exhibitions I found models, photos, paintings, installations and much more on the nature of the project, each in a different way declined the "free-space", although what perhaps interested me most was hearing who had thought and created those exhibitions.
After observing, talking and sharing a thought, I was ready to re-enter that labyrinth again, I looked at the map and tried to orient myself, I start a road aware of the fact that after a while I would be lost but "not knowing how to orient yourself in a city does not mean very. But getting lost in a city like getting lost in a forest is something to be learned ”** , I then decided that I would have chosen the destination, but it would have been the city to show me which way was to follow.
** (Berlin childhood around 1900, 1932, Walter Benjamin)
- Alberto DE VIRGILIIS -
Venice © Alberto De Virgiliis for WMMQ