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: number one :
Mediterranean principle

The "Mediterranean Principle" is a form of construction of urban space, which has come down to the present day through the historical legacy, and also adopted in distant lands, leaving a profound mark in contemporary societies. A teaching that, on the basis of richer and more articulated links between body and movement, allows to give more value to the experience of living. In this essay by prof. Pepe Barbieri, the Mediterranean architect is the figure able to decline and combine different cultures, to weld and hybridize multiple traditions starting from the fertility of the devices born in the Mediterranean. In the structure of the Mediterranean public city some themes are eloquent such as the relationship between emptiness and other voids, as in the great public places of antiquity, active voids capable of communicating with different materials, so that in the intertwining with solids porosity and therefore possible stratifications – thickness – sequences, producing a fertile spatial and temporal thickening. “The Mediterranean city is a city that is built as a shared interpretation of the different geographies, realizing the different contexts. Context: a past participle. With-text: woven together. A deposit of innumerable materials, traces, which, as in an archaeological excavation, constantly poses a question to us about its very meaning. His disturbing eruption into the present. His role tomorrow. The "fabric-together" can then also be, declined to the future, a commitment, a wait: a hope to be woven together. It is possible to imagine intervening by activating the inherited contexts in their evolution that corresponds to different ways of organizing a society of metropolitan individuals […] physical and immaterial relationships: different layers of imaginaries; memories; waited. […] Mediterranean principle, then, as acceptance, translated into the forms and tools of architecture, of an open and colloquial idea of welcome and shared breath, in the many Mediterranean people of the world, increasingly nourished by movement ”.

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The protection of the construction site

The current economic crisis, specifically that concerning the construction sector, has meant that the issue of safety on construction sites is no longer frequently in the spotlight of the media, however this does not mean that it has lost its importance. it must always be an essential pillar in the training of professionals and who will become one. This aspect, together with the organization of the construction site, is dealt with in the course held by the architect. Carlo Lufrano during the third year of his degree in Construction Engineering in Pescara. The course focuses on the reference legislation, in particular on that relating to safety in the workplace (Legislative Decree 81/2008), applied to the organization of the construction site.The aim is to induce the student to define his own methodology procedural-organizational in the analysis, assessment and treatment of the risks deriving from each specific work activity, in the spatial and sequential organization of activities. The organization of safety and of the construction site can be defined as a real project, which involves planning and scheduling the physical space for work activities in a logical and rational sequence, which goes from setting up the construction site to its closure. This is the practical aspect that is faced through the development of different case studies proposed and analyzed by the students. It is important to underline that nowadays a good organization, be it on site, company or events, is of fundamental importance not only from an economic point of view but also from that of preventing risk for workers. With these intentions, new figures are emerging who deal specifically with the efficient organization of business processes. The didactic objective is, therefore, to develop a professional figure able to compete on an increasingly demanding building market and to act competently in managing the complexity of the building production process, correlating the technical, construction and procedural aspects. course gives the possibility to accumulate a number of hours useful to be able to obtain the certificate of CSP and CSE (Safety Coordinator in the Design - Execution phase) that can be spent once the course of study is completed.

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