W HERE_CORRIspondenze
: number one :
Panhellenic osmosis
Greece, considered by many to be the civilization of the Sun and the sea, has become the background of the International Festival Architecture Schools - Loutraki 2013.Coordinated by teachers Carmen Andriani and Lucio Zazzara of the Department of Architecture of Pescara of the G. d'Annunzio University, the festival was created to promote the intellectual exchange between different perspectives of thought, which will be called to re-read and interpret new scenarios of urban and housing redevelopment. “Cities, landscapes, heritage. Thinking about the future ”, reads the pay-off, highlighting three major recurring concepts in design practice. Cities, landscapes, legacies, key elements in the conception of a project that really wants to consider all aspects of a particular place.The first workshop was held in the summer of 2013 in Loutraki, a coastal city not far from Corinth, and the attention of students and teachers on the urban and architectural transformations aimed at the redevelopment of the waterfront of the same city and of the disused railway station of Aghii Teodori.The project themes established with the municipal administration have set among the objectives that of enhancing the Mediterranean characteristics of a landscape that is sometimes overlooked and very often implied, taking into account the signs of the past that are visible only to those who seek them.The strategic level boasts a great centrality of the ancient place that has always represented the doors to cross for any exchange between the Gulf of Corinth and the Aegean Sea: of course we ask to put the fate of a country into play and that bets on its strong points, made up of old glories and future possibilities, whether they are areas to visit as a tourist or simply paths to cross, as in the case of the railway lines now in disuse and without expectations.
W01 ° E'EP "

Mediterranea Foundation for Engineering
"Anyone who stops learning is an old man, whether he is 20 or 80 years old. He who continues to learn, day after day, stays young. The best thing to do in life is to keep your mind open." Words of an ever-young Henry Ford , which between the lines indicates the keys to a solid future made up of updating and training. It is now inevitable, in our day, to keep informed, especially for workers in those sectors that are instantly affected by evolutionary changes. Specifically analyzing an area such as that of engineering, in which standards, regulations and construction techniques are constantly changing, a a fundamental role is given to the sectoral colleges or to external bodies that organize these reviews.An emblematic example is given by the Mediterranean Foundation for Engineering, which, born as a branch of the College of Engineers of Cosenza, has as its main purpose the enhancement and protection of the professional figure of the engineer. Other objectives are the constant technical-scientific and cultural updating, the promotion and implementation of any initiative aimed at supporting training activities, the professional collaboration between the engineers of the Mediterranean states and making the technical standards and operating practices in use accessible. IMF also manages an online newspaper through an internet platform, which collects information and contents, opening spaces for reflection on topics that mainly concern engineering activities.
W01 ° E'MG "

History of a Medina
"The description of the existing passes through that knowing how to look which is capable of setting aside preconceived convictions, bringing out the true identity of places, revealing new possible writings". (Ludovico Micara, Medina Mediterranea - Tripoli, January 2014). This is the attitude of L. Micara (professor of architectural design within the Department of Architecture of Pescara) towards the Medina of Tripoli, an extraordinary city, at high risk of deterioration. Walking along the evocative streets of the Medina, the architect was able to observe how the Arab-Jewish multi-ethnic character and the subsequent Italian colonization generated an urban system different from the Arab-Islamic medina; while maintaining the courtyard typology of the buildings, the windows overlooking the street, the presence of arcades, balconies and terraces, highlight a common Mediterranean koinè between East and West. To hypothesize possible design interventions it is necessary to re-read the Mediterranean city through its transformations, developing, starting from the understanding of the place, contextualized solutions, attentive to the identity of urban spaces.
W01 ° E'AL "

“I'm French, Spanish, English, Danish. I am not one, but a multitude. They are like Europe. I am all of this. They are chaos ”. With this sentence taken from “The Spanish Apartment”, a famous film that has as its plot the story of Xavier French student leaving for Erasmus in Barcelona, I can fully define this unique and inimitable experience abroad. We are led to understand our potential and social limits, in a new country and perhaps completely different from what we imagined. Friendships will be born with people of different cultures and exchanges will take place that you will carry with you forever. The approach and study method of the university that will host you will also be different. As a student of Geology, I noticed a difference in the preparation, which is in some ways simpler and reduced in content, but valid from a practical point of view which, through compulsory internships, prepares the student to be aware of what his future will be. working. Attention, not all that glitters is gold, we tell ourselves that we are happy to leave, that we are strong and then once we travel we are less sure. It is not easy to leave when we leave so many things behind and do not know the place we are going, so armed with awareness and openness to new things, off to the adventure!
W01 ° E'MF "