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A welcome message to new students enrolled in the Architecture, Engineering and Geology Degree Courses and a message to greet students who leave the university to enter the world of work.
Prof. Claudio Valente
construction Engineering
President of the Master's Degree Course
I invite future students to attend with passion and contribute to the improvement of the university by pushing us teachers to improve, the current challenge for us is this. The goal is to grow together to compete at the top of the increasingly complex job market.
Prof. Francesco Girasante
construction Engineering
President of the three-year degree course
The invitation I feel to make to students is to face and live the university experience with great enthusiasm. The university must be understood as a laboratory in which to constantly seek tools for sharing knowledge and knowledge (and for this reason teachers must be involved) and, at the same time, in which to implement the actions of understanding (and for this reason it must express all the enthusiasm of the students). The passion expressed by students will be the driving force for facing the world of work in its many difficulties, and will give the opportunity to enhance those interests that will confirm the conviction for the choices made.
Prof. Marcello Buccolini
President of the three-year and master's degree course
Our main laboratory is the soil; if there is the predisposition to know how to read with passion this great book that is the landscape, the Degree Course of Geology with its teachers will offer all the availability and seriousness possible. For outgoing students, in addition to best wishes, I say that we are there even after graduation, to help them deal with the initial problems when diving into the world of work
Prof. Adriano Ghisetti
President of the five-year degree course
An invitation to young people wishing to become architects to enthusiastically attend our Degree Course, which is so full of interesting experiences and opportunities for knowledge; with the recommendation to take the studio seriously, combining it with a lively curiosity for the world around us, with its variety and contradictions, which represents the context in which the architect's activity is expressed. To those who have finished their studies, instead, the wish to be able to realize their dreams, in a world that is certainly difficult, but in which those who have strong motivations and solid preparation will not fail to assert themselves.